Post-Election Market Hangover

Reginald A.T. Armstrong •

The voters have spoken at the ballot box, and investors have been spooked. I want to reassure you to not make too much out of the sharp market volatility for the next few days. Remember "Brexit"? Market flaked out and went down for a few days and then it was over and the markets recovered. This is our "Brexit" --- markets uncertainty over an unexpected political result. This market reaction is not unexpected and is unlikely to last. Don't let emotions mess up a good plan.

The result of an election is never the cause for a major change in a portfolio. That being said, feel free to give us a call to discuss your personal situation. Or come to our tax workshop on November 29th (call to make a reservation, please). While the prospect of a Trump administration may not be cause for major portfolio adjustments, it is cause to review year-end tax planning and 2017 tax strategies.

Thanks for your trust.

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